Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Strongest Otc Medicine For Acid Reflux

In fact, otc medications are often among the first treatments people use for symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (gerd), such as heartburn and regurgitation. Strongest otc medicine for acid reflux. Sometimes over-the-counter gerd medications are enough to manage the condition other times, the patient needs prescription medicine for acid reflux in very extreme cases, the patient may need to undergo acid reflux surgery this article includes a list of the best medicine for acid reflux and gerd gerd symptoms.

strongest otc medicine for acid reflux

Antacids popular over-the-counter medications like tums, maalox, rolaids and mylanta neutralize stomach acid and provide fast-acting relief in mild or isolated cases of acid reflux. In prescription form (usually higher doses than the over-the-counter versions), h2 blockers can generally relieve heartburn and treat reflux, especially if you’ve never had treatment before.. The proton-pump inhibitors esomeprazole (nexium 24hr), lansoprazole (prevacid 24hr), and omeprazole (prilosec otc) are sold over-the-counter to treat frequent heartburn (two or more times per week.

more info strongest otc medicine for acid reflux---> click here


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