Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Guardian Acid Reflux Tablets Side Effects

Indigestion is often caused by excess stomach acid and results in discomfort, pain, bloating, nausea or wind with acid reflux, acid travels up the oesophagus to the throat, leaving an unpleasant. Guardian acid reflux tablets side effects. Guardium acid reflux control tablets for heartburn and acid reflux contains esomeprazole always read the label if symptoms are severe or prolonged you should consult a doctor or pharmacist always read the label.

guardian acid reflux tablets side effects

For fast and soothing relief of acid indigestion,heartburn,gastric pain and wind antiflatulant mint flavour how to use chew 1-2 pcss between meals and at bedtime,or as prescribed by doctor do not take more than 12 pcss in a 24 hour period or use this maximum dosage beyond 2 weeks. A drug commonly used to treat acid reflux is linked to a more than doubled risk of developing stomach cancer, researchers have claimed. proton pump inhibitors (ppis) reduce the amount of acid made. Guardium acid reflux control tablets are a remedy for acid reflux and heartburn brought to you by the makers of gaviscon. just take these tablets once a day for a few days to ease your irritation and keep acid reflux under control. guardium contains the active ingredient esomeprazole, and is perfect for over 18s who experience regular heartburn.

more info guardian acid reflux tablets side effects---> click here


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