Sunday, August 1, 2021

Acid Reflux Stress Test

When the gastric acid enters the esophagus it can trigger a number of acid reflux and stress symptoms one of the most common is heartburn, which is a burning sensation that travels up your chest area causing pain this is a reaction to corrosiveness of the gastric acid irritating the sensitive lining of the esophagus. Acid reflux stress test. Acid reflux, also known as gord (gastroesophageal reflux disease) is a condition that is commonly seen in naturopathic practice gord occurs when stomach contents reflux upwards into the oesophagus, and cause symptoms such as a burning sensation, irritation and discomfort there are a number of reasons why gord might be occurring quite often, patients will present with symptoms indicating.

acid reflux stress test

PH Test - Diagnosing Acid Reflux With a PH Test

Ph test - diagnosing acid reflux with a ph test

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Acid reflux could be caused by other factors, as well: eating right before bed; eating with an already full stomach—which can cause the food to come back up being overweight and having a big belly—which can push your stomach up, causing reflux chronic stress affects the nerves in your stomach, making it impossible to process the food.

more info acid reflux stress test---> click here


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