Thursday, December 23, 2021

Acid Reflux Around Period

The acid reflux could be coincidental to the heavy period (ie triggered by a food, advil/aspirin-type drugs, or severe stress) 2 when there is a very thick lining in the uterus to be shed that can produce a much heavier flow. Acid reflux around period. Silent acid reflux diagnosis in most cases, the process is aggravated by the fact that the reflux does not attack a single area of the body unlike gerd whose primary target is the esophagus, lpr appears to damage the tissues of the esophagus, larynx, and pharynx.

acid reflux around period

Mayo Clinic of South Africa

Mayo clinic of south africa

BRAVO Ambulatory pH Testing - London Gastroenterology Centre

Acid reflux occurs when acid from your stomach flows back up your esophagus toward your mouth frequent episodes of acid reflux may be a sign of a condition known as gastroesophageal reflux. What causes acid reflux disease? one common cause of acid reflux disease is a stomach abnormality called a hiatal hernia.this occurs when the upper part of the stomach and les move above the. Acid reflux occurs when there is acid backflow from the stomach into the esophagus.this happens commonly but can cause complications or troublesome symptoms, such as heartburn..

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