Saturday, December 4, 2021

Avocado Upset Stomach And Diarrhea

Avocado contains sorbitol, which is a polyol that is also found in peaches, honey, and sugarless chewing gum so if you’re sensitive to these sugars like i am, you’re going to have trouble. Avocado upset stomach and diarrhea. Avocado contains sorbitol, a fruit sugar, which undergoes fermentation in individuals with avocado intolerance such a fermentation gives rise to symptoms such as bloating and diarrhea symptoms appear usually after consumption of avocado or products made using avocado symptoms include: abdominal discomfort; stomach pain; nausea; vomiting.

avocado upset stomach and diarrhea

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Avocado in large amounts may decrease the effect of anti inflammatory medication hence, its excess consumption leads to blood thinning 11 gastrointestinal irritation: if you consume avocado in large amount, then you will have an upset stomach it sometimes also causes gastrointestinal irritation. €


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