Monday, June 6, 2022

Acid Reflux Causing One Swollen Tonsil

Acid reflux’s effect on the tonsils “acid reflux can cause soreness and irritation in the throat area and theoretically , at least, could cause inflammation in the tonsils,” says morton tavel, md, clinical professor emeritus of medicine, indiana university school of medicine, and author of “health tips, myths and tricks: a physician’s. Acid reflux causing one swollen tonsil. In the situation discussed below, inflamed tonsils due to cryptic tonsillitis may be causing an incorrect diagnosis your question hello, i am a 49-year-old caucasian male four years ago my family doctor diagnosed me with acid reflux after going to his office with a sore throat.

acid reflux causing one swollen tonsil

The symptoms of acid reflux includes a severe bad breath, swollen tonsils, sore throat, post nasal drip etc on the other hand tonsil stones too share the same set of symptoms as the acid reflux thus you need to be careful before coming to a conclusion. Other symptoms, according to alexandra kreps, m.d., an internist at tru whole care, include “changes in your voice, swollen lymph nodes in your neck or jaw area, and when looking at your tonsils. Symptoms include a sore throat that starts suddenly, red and swollen tonsil, pain when swallowing, and a fever. diphtheria : this serious potentially illness can also cause a sore throat..

more info acid reflux causing one swollen tonsil---> click here


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