Saturday, June 4, 2022

Can Acid Reflux Cause Colon Cancer

A doctor addresses the question of how do black stools from colon cancer compare to those caused by acid reflux i wanted to know if there were distinct differences in the appearance of black stools from acid reflux compared to those that can result from colon cancer. Can acid reflux cause colon cancer. Yep, you read that right: acid reflux, of which heartburn is a symptom, can actually cause cancer—cancer of the esophagus, to be exact and even if you had heartburn problems years ago and they.

can acid reflux cause colon cancer

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Colon Cancer Statistics | Gastroenterology Consultants of ...

Can long-term use of acid reflux drugs cause cancer? june 26, 2019 | by ctca after the drugs have been on the market for 25 years, some doctors and researchers are questioning whether protracted use of so-called proton pump inhibitors comes with long-term side effects, including the possibility of an increased cancer risk. Acid reflux may cause colon polyps. the risk for colon polyps including hyperplastic polyps (hp), tubular adenomas (ta), or sessile serrated adenomas/polyps (ssa/p) is higher among individuals with gastroesophageal reflux disease (gerd), according to a recent study.. Once you can discern the cause of your acid reflux, you can work with a gastroenterologist to develop a plan that helps avoid symptom triggers. 4 common causes of acid reflux . 1. hiatal hernia. this may be an underlying cause of acid reflux. hiatal hernia is often detected while testing to determine the cause of heartburn..

more info can acid reflux cause colon cancer---> click here


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