Saturday, July 9, 2022

Treating Acid Reflux In Breastfed Infants

Acid reflux can be a temporary or long-term condition in breastfeeding infants according to the la leche league international, breastfeeding is often a method of treating gastroesophageal reflux, or ger, which is a more significant form of acid reflux that is characterized by profuse spit-up, breathing difficulties, pain, and even projectile vomiting. Treating acid reflux in breastfed infants. Mylanta, maalox, and tums are typical antacids that may help with acid reflux in infants h-2 blockers: h-2 blockers (tagamet, pepcid, and axid) reduce the amount of acid produced by the stomach and have been extensively used to treat reflux in babies and children side effects may include diarrhea, constipation, and abdominal pain.

treating acid reflux in breastfed infants

Cow milk allergy

In addition, breastfed babies with reflux have been shown to have shorter and fewer reflux episodes and less severe reflux at night than formula-fed babies [heacock 1992] breastfeeding is also best for babies with reflux because breastmilk leaves the stomach much faster [ewer 1994] (so there’s less time for it to back up into the esophagus. Reflux is less frequent and less severe in breastfed babies. share on pinterest for formula-fed infants, reducing the feeding volumes may improve reflux. the following changes may help improve. Add rice cereal to breast milk stored in a bottle for breastfed babies. burp infants after they have 1 to 2 ounces of formula, or burp breastfed infants after nursing from each breast. avoid overfeeding infants. follow the amount of formula or breast milk recommended. hold infants upright for 30 minutes after feedings..

more info treating acid reflux in breastfed infants---> click here


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